
Showing posts from February, 2024

Turmeric chickpea pancakes

  Ingredients 150 g dried chickpeas (or 250 g already cooked and canned) 1 blond onion 2 cloves of garlic 10 cl of crème fraîche 3 tablespoon of cornstarch 1 drizzle of olive oil 1 turmeric Preparation tips If you use dry chickpeas, let them swell overnight and cook them in three times their volume of water.  Sweat garlic and onion in a pan.  In a blinder, put the chickpeas, garlic and onion, cream.  Mix not too fine.  In a salad bowl, mix the mixture with the starch and turmeric.  Add salt and pepper as desired.  With two spoons of the mixture, make a pancake which you will flatten in the pan.  Cook for 3 minutes and turn to finish cooking.  Enjoy your meal and thank you Thierry!  :)

Curry, a mixture of spices or a plant?

  Curry is a mixture of several spices.  The term curry is a corruption by the English of the term “kari” in Tamil which means sauce.  Originally from southern India, we nevertheless already found traces of it in the Indus Valley more than 2000 years BC The first printed recipe for a curry was published in 1747 by Hannah Glasse.  It consisted of pepper and coriander.  The 4th edition introduces turmeric and ginger.  He was called “currey”. This mixture then spread in the 19th century to the Caribbean by Indian workers in the British sugar industry.  It eventually spread to the United States and then to the Western world, becoming a reference in spice blends.  They are found in all states of India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan and all of Southeast Asia!  Each family has its own mixtures and recipes.  There is not just one curry but countless curries depending on their origin and their use!  In Europe, curries are becoming Westerni...

Sichuan pepper chicken

  Ingredients 300 g of chicken fillet 1 green onion (or spring onion) 1 piece of ginger (thumb size) 1 clove garlic 1 tablespoon of soy sauce (for cooking 1 tablespoon of soy sauce (for cooking) 1 tablespoon of sesame oil 1 teaspoon of Sichuan pepper 5 Fresh red peppers (or bell pepper if you're not used to the heat) Preparation tips Slice the chicken. Add the soy and rice vinegar  to this  .   Leave to marinate for 30 minutes. Cut the peppers (choose peppers and the number according to your appreciation of spiciness).  Slice the green onion, garlic and ginger. In a pan, brown the chicken and set aside.  In the same pan, add oil, chili peppers, Sichuan pepper and brown. Add the chicken, ginger and garlic, soy sauce, a teaspoon of sugar (or honey).  Cook for 5 minutes. Finally add the green onion and sesame oil.  Serve immediately with basmati rice.


  Are you one of those people who need their coffee to start the day off right?  But then, what to do with the coffee grounds that remain in the coffee maker?  We give you a non-exhaustive list of tips for the house, the garden, the hair... FERTILIZER FOR PRETTY PLANTS Place a little coffee grounds at the base of your indoor or garden plants, it will serve as fertilizer thanks to its richness in potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. GOOD FOR COMPOST Don’t hesitate to throw it in your compost, it’s a good activator! COFFEE GROUNDS, A NATURAL REPELLENT It is a real barrier against ants, aphids, slugs... It can also keep cats away from your pretty flowers! GOODBYE BAD SMELLS Fill a small open container with grounds then place it in the fridge, in a cupboard, in a piece of furniture... to absorb stubborn odors. COFFEE GROUNDS FOR THE PIPES Mixed with hot water, it maintains the pipes, cleans them and reduces bad odors.  This is not an aggressive method, so it should be use...