Turmeric chickpea pancakes


  • 150g dried chickpeas (or 250 g already cooked and canned)
  • 1blond onion
  • 2cloves of garlic
  • 10cl of crème fraîche
  • 3tablespoon of cornstarch
  • 1drizzle of olive oil
  • 1turmeric

Preparation tips

If you use dry chickpeas, let them swell overnight and cook them in three times their volume of water. 

Sweat garlic and onion in a pan. In a blinder, put the chickpeas, garlic and onion, cream. Mix not too fine. 

In a salad bowl, mix the mixture with the starch and turmeric. Add salt and pepper as desired. 

With two spoons of the mixture, make a pancake which you will flatten in the pan. Cook for 3 minutes and turn to finish cooking. 

Enjoy your meal and thank you Thierry! :)


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